Productivity Improvement Tips—4 Ways to Boost Your Daily Productivity

In this episode, we'll look at some simple daily productivity improvement tips that you can begin using immediately for an instant boost of efficiency and effectiveness.

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EP249. 4 Simple Tips to Boost Your Productivity

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4 Simple Productivity Improvement Tips

  1. Index card method. Each night, take out a fresh index card and jot down your top 2—3 most important things that need to get done the following day. Place that card on your nightstand or near your bathroom sink. When you wake up the next morning, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to dominate the day. Now, all you need to do is work like hell to make sure it gets done. Remember to check things off your list as you go about your day in order to keep yourself motivated.
  2. Ease-in, ease-out. Although I’m an advocate of tackling your hardest thing first, sometimes it helps to ease yourself into it. To use this productivity improvement tip, simply spend 15—30 minutes doing easy tasks to warm up. Then tackle your toughest project for a focused block of time—at least a few hours. Finish your day with another 15—30 minutes of easy tasks to ease-out out of work mode.
  3. Later list. Keep a separate “later list” with you. When your mind wanders about random things you need to do while you’re working, simply jot them down on your Later List for later review. Doing this will help you prevent procrastination and stress by off-loading whatever pops up in your head into a trusted place. Just remember to go back to your list at some point, ideally at the end of the day; or during your weekly review—which you should definitely be doing if you want to keep your life together.
  4. Batch tasking. Batch similar tasks such as emails, errands, phone calls, admin., and other low-bandwidth tasks together. Then, knock those bad-boys out in a single block of time.

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